Saturday, June 14, 2008

6 YEARS!!!!

Yesterday Brett and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary! I don't know that I was that fun I just wanted to sleep. After being gone to camp all week and staying up until 1:30 or later every morning laughing and playing games until I was crying I was pretty tired. It's crazy how fast the time has gone bye. We have had a GREAT 6 years together and I hope for many, many more. Thanks for everything Brett - I LOVE YOU-

Shauna you are now on my blog-I hope your happy!!! We'll look for more pic's later!


cortney and neil said...

I can't believe it has been six years. It seems like yesterday Nic was hosting a picnic at his bachelor pad, you had just gotten married, and the roach was tiny. Congrats though!

Chase said...

Congratulations Mel. Six years.I believe you still owe me fifty dollars ,remember our bet that you would be married before I left on my mission!! Ha Ha
Have a great day.

Spencer Family said...

Congratulations! Six years?! Where has time gone?! I swear it was just yesterday we were hanging out in 201. Seeing your family pictures made me wonder what is your family up to? Is Rochelle still a little spitfire? She was so cute!

Oh and by the way you I WISH that was you out tanning. I haven't seen you in so long, it would have been good to catch up.