Tuesday, October 28, 2008


{1st Day Of Preschool}

I took Brooke in for preschool screening's this fall and what do ya know. . . She's to smart and so she didn't qualify:( There arn't really any other preschool options in this area so I wasn't sure what I was going to do??? But last week I got a phone call and they said that Brooke could come as a model student!!! Tomorrow is her 2nd day and so far she is loving it!!

The only problem is she likes to sleep in until about 9 or 10 every morning:) So when I woke her up at 7 she wasn't quite sure what to think!!

On saturday my family went to lagoon!! We had so much fun. It was such a nice day to be outside:) The had a lot of people walking around in their freaky costumes and I thought it might scare the kids but they loved it!!

Rochelle, Tucker, & Brooke
Brett & Dad taking a break

Brooke, Tucker, & Grandma Cindy:)
{Moving the cOw'S off the range}

Every year when we bring the cows off the range people get together have a BBQ & seperate the cow's while the kids and some of the rest of us sit around, talk, and just have a great time!

Colten Orme, Brooke, Slade Orme, & Tucker

{The TRIPLET'S are here!!}
My sister-in-law Angie had her triplet's:) They were 2 months early but so cute and just perfect in every way. They will be in the hospital for 4-6 weeks:( I can't wait for them to get out so I can hold the little things!


-Heber & Heman-
Natalie and I stopped in to see the babies:) and the kids got to see the life flight chopper take off!

{PoTaTo HaRvEsT}
Well we finished the potatoes the night Angie had her babies so that was good timing! Brett was so busy but being the Great dad that he is He would take the kids to ride with him in the tractor:) And that's where they always wanted to be!

YES! The the white dot's on the picture are snow. . .bbbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrr:)

-Papa Dan, Brooke, & Tucker-
My sweet little Brooke
{Jackson Hole}

We took a day and went over to Jackson! We stopped at Ripley's Believe It or Not. They have so many crazy things in there it was fun to go see!

World's largest ball of Barb-wire
-CrAzY fAcEs-
This is my sidewalk that was supposed to be done last year but. . . it just got done and I totally LOVE it:) It was worth the wait because I got what "I" wanted:)

Yeah we can use our front door:)


Kyle and Kat said...

Yes! No more hole! The sidewalk looks awesome!
Brooke will love being the role model, Ashley did it last year and loved it! Besides, it makes Kindergarten so much easier, not like either of them would have a problem!

Holly said...

You guys have been BUSY! FUn stuff though! :)

cortney and neil said...

So many things to comment on here. I hope I can remember everything. First Lagoon looked fun. I wanted to take my kids down, but of course never got around to it. The triplets are cute. I can't believe how tiny they are. Jackson looked fun. I have always wanted to go to Ripley;s Nic always said it looked dumb. I think I almost have Neil convinced, but he never wants to go to Jackson for a drive because he does it every day. What a party pooper huh. Last, your sidewalk looks awesome. Now paint your trim, and I will come see your house! :)

Tiffany said...


Sean, Jessi and Jaydn Coletti said...

HI melanie! HOw fun! I found your blog a few days ago as well, but didn't have time to comment. YOur kids are darling! They are a great mix of you two. It was so fun hanging out last week- what a treat! The funny thing is, on Wednesday night I was in Rexburg, and ran into Curtis. So I saw two people from you family in the same week! Angela was sad that she wasn't with us- she thought it would be so fun to catch up with you!
So who is your sister in law with the triplets? On Bret's side of the family?
Love Jessi

Andrea said...

holy tolitoes!!! I saw the pic of you and the hubby on holly's blog and thought holy cow I know her! I checked out your blog and your family is super cute! I need your email to add you to my blog so that you can view it. mine is mspiggy381@hotmail.com so you can email me yours and then you can have access to my blog! Miss ya babe!

Powell's Place said...

I love your sidewalk! It looks like harvest went well. I remember laying in bed with you during spud harvest and wondering if it had frozen the night before (which would have been terrible for the potatoes, but great for us since we would have gotten to sleep in)! I still love the smell of cellars, and I don't really know why haha. I "get" to play my violin in church next Sunday (I tried to keep that tidbit about me hidden, but people always manage to find out!) I kept thinking, I can't play in Church without Mel! I sound squeaky! haha Fortunately, the song is easy and I should be all right, but it still made me miss you!