Thursday, July 31, 2008


So yesterday the kids wanted to go ride horses with Brett and he being the great dad that he is took them for a ride! I was outside hanging laundry on the deck when they came to see me! They were so cute-they are so lucky to have such a great dad that will take time to go play with them!

Then later in the day Brett and I went to the temple and Shawna watched the kids for us. I wasn't sure what they did while we were gone but after I looked through my cammera this morning I think I have a pretty good idea of what they were doing:) I'm not sure Brett will approve!!!

Brett was taking care of the hat a couple days ago when Tucker found his little loader in the big tractor! So as you can see he took it and found a little pile of dirt to play in. The adventure continued when we saw some of a rattle snake that got bailed up with the hay. It was kinda creepy:)

On tuesday there was a big group of us girls that took off on an adventure to find sheep falls!!! I think we all did really well all things considering-and we had a great time! It's so fun to have so many good friends to go do stuff with. Thanks everyone for a great time!! (Natalie it was a great idea!)

The 24th of July Parade!!! We love it and go every year. Tucker's favorite part was the airplane's that kept flying over. I just thought the picture of Brooke & Tucker sitting by each other waiting for the parade to come was so cute! (maybe that's because they never hold still?) Anyway we had a great time there and at the roedo that night!


Liz  said...

Those pictures with Tucker all dressed up are hilarious! I am just wondering if it was Shawna's idea:)

Heather said...

Alright now I see that gross snake. That close up picture really shows it.....YUCK! Happy to see your smiling face this morning.

Chase said...

That picture of Tucker not looking happy.. I understand cause I dont think I would be happy with a monkey on my back either.
Have a great day.

Michelle said...

I was blog-snooping today and found you! I was just thinking the other day about you and wondering what you were up to now. send me an email to this address and I will invite you to my blog!

Michelle (Andrus) Hill